Hi 👋 and welcome to the blog.

I am excited that you are here and I would love to share with you

  • some things about me
  • my visions for this blog
  • and what you can expect
This whole blog thing is very new to me. It’s been something that has been on my heart for a few too many years now and I just never took off with it. Well, until now that is 😜 so please bear with me while I figure this whole thing out.

Im really more of a video person, so I would love to eventually expand into a blog/vlog situation, but for now I’m going to give the blogging a go!

In case you don’t already know me...
I am a wife and mama of three young boys. At the time I am writing this my kiddos are 9, 7, and 2. This is my family ❤️

Aside from being a mom, I am also a registered nurse that has gone crunchy, stay at home, homeschooling, wellness entrepreneur.

I have a bachelors degree in Health Sciences as well as in Nursing and I worked in the Nursing field for 9 years before deciding to stay home full time to school and raise my boys.

It was a scary decision and some days I feel like I want to pull out all my hair (as any mom I’m sure can relate), but most days I am super grateful for this opportunity to be home, working on my terms, and watching my boys as they grow into young men.

I know that I am very lucky to have this opportunity. However, I will say that it has not come without sacrifice. My husband switched careers loosing more then half his income and shortly after I left my nursing career, so to say we had to learn to budget is an understatement. 😂 We make it work though.

Some of my favorite things in the whole world (aside from my family) are...
  • Technology - I know... you are probably saying, “I thought you were crunchy”. Well we are, but I have to admit technology still draws me in and I love me my apple products... sorry, not sorry. Technology has also been a life saver for my 7 year old who is a Type 1 Diabetic. I am grateful every day for the technology of his pump and CGM, without them life would be a million times harder!

  • Essential Oils - I would not be where I am without my oils. They have helped me emotionally, physically, mentally, in really all aspects of life. They have also provided me with the financial ability to leave my nursing job. Im sure you will hear me talk more about them if you stick around for any length of time.

  • A Cozy Bathrobe - yep, you heard me right. I am a 35 year old who practically lives in her bathrobe. 😂🤷‍♀️ I live in the Buffalo, NY area and it’s cold most of the year. I don’t like being cold and I LOVE being comfy... hence the bathrobe. I actually currently own 5 of them!

  • My Ember Mug - yes, I know this is technology so it could fall under the first category, but it totally needs to be its own bullet here. I LOVE this thing!!! I am a busy mom of three and having HOT coffee/tea is essential. If you don’t have one of these, you really should get one. It's every penny worth the investment! (And no I am not an affiliate for them, although I should be!)

  • A Good Massage - 🥰😍 ahhhh yes... massages! They seriously are essential. I don’t get them nearly enough (back to that whole budget thing I mentioned earlier 👎) but, I do squeeze them in a few times a year and they are glorious! If you are local, I have an amazing massage therapist so message me and I can pass along her info.

  • Our Camper - ok confession, this one is a total guess as to whether its a favorite or not because we actually JUST purchased our camper and have yet to actually camp in it 😂 It could be disastrous and I could hate it, but for now I am putting out the energy that it is going to BECOME one of my new favorite things. 🥰🚐

Im not 100% certain on exactly what road this blog will take as we begin, 

but my intention is for it to be a place for you to come for wellness tips and relatable mom stories.

Wellness has always been something that has been important to me, hence the bachelors in Health Sciences and Nursing. Although I am not currently practicing as a nurse, the wellness and wanting to help others has never left. 

I have always been drawn to more natural / holistic wellness. I am Reiki I + II Certified and love learning about all different modalities of wellness Including things like aromatherapy, crystals, energy healing, and much more!

I believe that our body’s wellness is mind, body, and spirit. One cannot find complete wellness by ignoring one of these. Our bodies are incredible and when we nourish them properly miracles can happen.

The most important things in my life (at this stage of it) are:

  • Natural Wellness
  • Motherhood + Pregnancy
  • Raising Kids with Autoimmune / Allergies
  • Raising Up Good Men
  • Our New Camper Adventures
  • Homeschooling
  • Healthy Mindset
  • Entrepreneurship
So I suppose the plan is to blog about these categories. 

Time will tell 🤷‍♀️ Im just going to run with it! That’s what we do as entrepreneurs right?! Take an idea and run with it! 👊 (and yes I like to use emojis)

I understand that these are all their own topics and some blogs may not be of interest to you, but my hope is that I can enjoy sharing all of these aspects of my life that I find importance in, and in doing so share some wisdom that may help you in some aspects of YOUR life.

Here is what you can expect:

1. Weekly content dropped every Sunday

2.  Content on the above mentioned categories

3. A place to feel relatable, heard, and gather wellness tips for your family

I am grateful that you have stumbled onto my little piece of the interwebs and my hope is that you get a little something from being here ❤️

Thank you! I look forward to connecting more with you in the near future.

PS. If there are ever any topics you are looking to learn about please let me know and Ill see if I can make it happen.

until next time,

Love what you read here? Subscribe for updates.

Remember to connect on social!

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any information provided to you on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. I am not in any way diagnosing, treating, prescribing, or claiming to cure anything. Any and all medical ailments/treatment plans should always be consulted with your physician. This information is my own personal experiences and personal research. You should always do your own research and decide with your physician what is best for you. 

**Some of the links on this website may be affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small percentage off off of your purchase, with no extra charge to you. Thank you for choosing to support me and my family.


  1. This is great! And we traded our 29' trailer for a 19'! We want to go to other locations than just one seasonal site! The koa is great for kids. In may 12, the 13th is $20 for the nite! Checkout to start the season. We are going to NF/Lewiston. Will be close to home and can go hiking at the Falls. Maybe you want to come too to start the season and close to home. Nancy
    Amanda DeWald AUTHOR  03/21/2023 08:19 AM Central
    Thanks Nancy! That’s so exciting 😊 I had no idea about the $20/night for those dates, I’ll have to look into it! We currently have our first trip booked for Sprague Brook (close to home) on Memorial Day weekend, which is our oldest sons birthday weekend. We are so excited!
  2. Jennifer Hawley  03/20/2023 11:28 AM Central
    Love this! I do vlogs and just partially post them up on my YouTube channel cuz, well life, lol. So I am excited to read and eventually see your blogs/vlogs and learn so much more about you and your life experiences. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me in my life and a constant support for my dream oil biz! Love ya! Namaste! 💖🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️
    Amanda DeWald AUTHOR  03/20/2023 11:46 AM Central
    Aw thank you so much for the kind words 💗 I’m so glad that our paths have crossed. Keep going with your blogs/vlogs, you’ve got this 🙌

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