T1D x2: Our second Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

Two type one diabetic children 😮

Welp, it happened 😩. One of our worst nightmares has come true. Our youngest, Adam (2 at the time - November 2, 2023), was also diagnosed with type one diabetes.

Ever since our middle kiddo, Andrew was diagnosed as a type one diabetic in 2021, (you can read about his diagnosis story here) I have always been terrified that our other children may also be diagnosed. I had some suspicions 🧐 about our youngest, but hoped I was just being a paranoid mama.  🤞🏼😩

After months of worrying and occasional random blood sugar checks, the nightmare became our reality. 😭 The week of Halloween, Adam had been wetting the bed a lot, having extra emotional tantrums, been lethargic after higher carb meals, and the biggest red flag was that he started crying whenever he didn’t have a water with him (this was a huge sign with our first T1D kiddo).


The day after Halloween 🎃 I mentioned to my husband my concerns about Adam and we debated whether it was just an “after Halloween candy high” 🤪🙃 or something to be concerned about. Anyway… we ended up checking his sugar after dinner and when we saw that his sugar was 492, we knew instantly that he was now also a diabetic 😩😭

My heart immediately sank into my chest 💔 as I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes 🥹. We knew what would come next and we were so sad for our little dude that this was now forever something he would have to carry.

Over the next few days of his diagnosis we endured endocrinology (endo) visits, advocating for devices, and getting used to our NEW normal yet again. Emotions were all over the place however there was a lot to be grateful for. 


One thing I really try to uphold in my life and teach to my children is that there are ALWAYS things to be grateful for, even in the moments when it feels like your entire world is falling apart.

So here are a few things that we were grateful for in this diagnosis:

(I share these in hopes that, if our reality is also your reality, you can too find some peace 🕊️ in this mess of a storm 🌪️ - you are not alone!)

🙏🏼 this wasn’t our first rodeo, so we knew what to expect

💙 Adam is young enough that he won’t remember anything different, this will just be his forever “normal”

👬🏼 now our boys will always have each other to confide in and understand what one another is going through

💪🏼 the T1D community is just incredible, I am so impressed with the amount of support and love from everyone we have had the pleasure of interacting with

🗣️ we can now be advocates and support for others who are going through similar situations


✨ what works for one kiddo with type one may not work for the next kiddo 🤷🏼‍♀️ - just like parenting, kids are unique and their diabetes needs will be too.

✨ each day is a new slate. Diabetes is a beast to manage 👊🏼, it feels like there are 1,842,981 different variables when dealing with diabetes 😩 and no two days are the same. You win some and you lose some and that’s good enough.

✨ navigating diabetes is not easy. It is truly an entire family diagnosis 🏠 and we are still figuring it all out. It affects everyone in the house, including those who are not diabetic. One thing we are still struggling through is making sure that everyone feels loved 🥰 and tended to equally. Our oldest son Danny, is now our only kiddo without diabetes, and as odd as it may sound, sometimes he feels left out. 😔 If anyone has any tips on this please send them our way, I’m open to all the advice! 📖

finding babysitters can be tough 😬. It’s one thing to find a babysitter willing to watch 3 young boys. It’s a whole other thing to find a babysitter to watch 3 young boys, 2 of which have type one diabetes, and 1 who is completely dependent on an adult. 

We have found that finding multiple people to watch the boys makes it more manageable #teamwork. 

Although this can be a pain 😖, this is what works best for us. ❤️ Our family is super supportive, but we know it is a lot to ask of any one person. Over nights 😴 can be stressful for caregivers, especially those not used to/comfortable with the amount of oversight and care needed. The Dexcom Follow app 📱and their Omnipod insulin pumps 💉make this 100x easier, but it’s still a lot to ask of people and we get that. 

➡️ I guess the point I am trying to get across here is to take the help where you can get it, and do your best to create time AWAY from your T1D kid(s) once in a while. I know it may feel impossible, but you need a break too and time away will likely do everyone some good. ❤️

Embrace your new normal and don’t let diabetes dictate your entire life. Yes, it requires more planning 📝 and more creative solutions 🧠, but it’s nothing you can’t handle! 💪🏼

Keep living your life and let your kids experience all the simple joys of being a kid.


✨ you are capable. 💪🏼👊🏼 God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. There are support systems available and incredible communities waiting to embrace you 💙 and help you along the way. Reach out, find your people, and learn all that you can.

✨ advocate early for tech/devices! With Drew, we didn’t leave the hospital with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and we didn’t even discuss a pump until months after his diagnosis. Now knowing how incredible these devices are, offering us more peace of mind 😌, easier management ✔️, and simpler care ✨,  we advocated right away for Adam to have these. He left the endo on his day of diagnosis with a Dexcom on his arm and he had an insulin pump within 2 weeks. I’m not saying you need these devices, but for us they were total GAME CHANGERS!

If you are interested in learning more about why we choose CGMs and pumps for our kiddos, hang tight, another blog post is coming on that.

✨ give yourself grace. 🙏🏼 You will never have the perfect numbers or do a perfect job, and THATS OK! Just do your best, ask for help, keep trying, and breathe. You’ve got this!

✨ find your people. In today’s world with social media 📱, there is no excuse not to connect with people who understand and get what you are going through. If you don’t already have friends or family who can relate and empathize, go find your people. 🫂 You may feel like you don’t need them yet, but trust me, you will.

✨ insurance companies can be a pain in the a** 😖 and you have to fight for what you want! If you know something is best for your kid, push for it and make it happen! 👊🏼

✨ you and your kiddo(s) are going to be ok. ❤️‍🩹 Type one diabetes is one heck of a diagnosis and it disrupts your world like the craziest storm 🌪️ you’ve weathered. With time it does become routine and it does get “easier” (I say that in quotes because it’s never really easier but you get used to it), and everything will be OK.

✨ utilize the free resources out there! There is a ton of information and support. Check out my free resource page HERE (along with other T1D info) on our NEW T1DeWalds website. It includes some amazing freebies you wont want to miss, along with some great links to our favorite T1D gadgets and gizmos! 📝

✨ advocate for your kiddo at school. We homeschool, so I am very fortunate that I don’t have to deal with T1D life at school, but I have heard stories from both ends of the spectrum. Some school districts are fabulous while others are a nightmare. There are laws in place and you 100% want to have a 504 plan 🗂️ for your kiddo to get them what they need. Since I don’t have any experience with this, I cannot speak on it, however there are lots of mamas around who do, so be sure to ask around 🗣️. Check in local FB groups, I’ve seen a bunch of resources in there.


All in all, life throws us curveballs sometimes and all we can do is roll with the punches 👊🏼💪🏼💙. Apparently 2 kiddos with type one is the hand we were dealt and we are dealing with it the best way we know how. As sad as another diagnosis was for our family, there is much to be grateful for. We are always learning and adapting and we are super excited to be able to share our experiences and knowledge with you!

If you are in the same boat 🚣🏼, please know that you are not alone. You are amazing, your kiddo(s) is/are amazing and we are here to help in any way we can. Please feel free to reach out and connect with me. I love getting to know fellow T1D parents. 

Until next time,

‼️ Check out our NEW website 
for all things T1D with the DeWalds.

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DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any information provided to you on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. I am not in any way diagnosing, treating, prescribing, or claiming to cure anything. Any and all medical ailments/treatment plans should always be consulted with your physician. This information is my own personal experiences and personal research. You should always do your own research and decide with your physician what is best for you. 

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