ZYTO Link Subscription
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I sign up for the ZYTO Link Subscription program?
Signing up is easy! Visit the website www.amandadewald.com/zyto-link-subscription and follow the simple steps to choose your preferred subscription plan.

2. Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Absolutely. If you ever decide to cancel your subscription, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I'm here to assist you and ensure a smooth cancellation process.

3. How do I select the right subscription offer for me?
Consider your wellness goals and preferences. I offer monthly, yearly, and member monthly options with various benefits. Choose the plan that aligns with your needs.

4. How will I receive my ZYTO Link scan each month?
Your personalized ZYTO Link scan will be sent directly to the email address associated you input when you sign up. 

5. Does my scan need to be taken on the first of the month?
No, your ZYTO Link scan can be taken at any point throughout the month. Once your scan is sent to you (within the first 3 days of the month), you may take your scan at any point up until midnight on the last day of the month when it will expire. Un-used scans do not roll over, they are forfeit. Please be sure to TAKE your scan, it only takes a minute or two.

6. When will my ZYTO Link scan be delivered each month?
Your ZYTO Link scan will be delivered within the first three days of each month.

7. Do I have to wait until the following month to get my first scan if I sign up after the first of the month?
No, your first scan will be delivered within 24 hours of you signing up and every month after that it will be delivered within the first 3 days of the month.

8. What if I want to take my scan on the first of the month but haven't received my link yet?
I do my best to get scans out on the first of every month, however it is stated that your scan may come as late as the third of the month. If you are really needing to take your scan on the first and it has yet to come, please contact me and I will do my best to accommodate your needs. However, in the instance that I am unable to, please note that it is stated in the subscription that your scan may come as late as the third of the month. 

9. What should I do if my scan hasn't arrived by the expected date?
Don't worry. If your scan hasn't arrived, please check your email, including your spam folder. If it's still missing, please contact me for assistance. I will get your scan out to you swiftly!

10. How do I update my account with a new email address?
In the event you wish to switch the email address on your account, please contact me.

11. When will my credit card be charged?
Your credit card will be charged at sign up and then on the first of each month after that. Annual subscriptions are charged at date of purchase.

12. Does the subscription automatically renew?
Yes, your subscription will automatically renew on the first of each month (after your initial purchase, which will be on whatever day you sign up) and for annual subscriptions, it will automatically renew on your date of purchase.

13. How do I book the personalized consults included in my subscription?
Booking your consults is simple. 1. Log in to your account (you will receive all of your account information at sign up).  2. Navigate to the consult section.  3. Follow the prompts to schedule your personalized sessions. If you are confused or have any questions, you can always reach out directly.

14. When can I use my bonus consults that come with my subscription?
You can use your bonus consults at any point throughout your subscription. See FAQ 13 on how to book your consult. You must book your consult before the last week of the month if you wish to have your consult before month's end. If you cancel your subscription before utilizing your consults, you forfeit the consults. If you are confused or have any questions, you can always reach out directly.

15. What happens if I miss scheduling my included consult for the month?
It is important to schedule your consults promptly. If you miss scheduling them by the last week of the month, I may not be able to fulfill them. Be proactive and book them early to make the most of your subscription. If you need assistance please contact me.

16. Is there a limit to the number of family members who can use the monthly scan?
No, you can use your monthly scan for any immediate family member (this includes you, your spouse, and your children), however that counts as your one monthly scan. You must notify me in advance, so I send the proper link for your chosen family member. If this is their first time taking a scan I will need some basic information from you like their name and date of birth (DOB).

17. Can I use my monthly scan to scan different family members each month?
Yes, you can use your monthly scan for you or any immediate family member (this includes you, your spouse, and your children). You may rotate between family members each month if you wish. (ie. month 1 you scan, month 2 your spouse scans, month 3 your child scans). Please note that you must notify me in advance, so I send the proper link for your chosen family member. If this is your child's first time taking a scan I will need some basic information from you like their name and date of birth (DOB); if it is a spouses first time taking a scan I will need more information, like their email, gender, etc. 

18. Can I purchase more scans in a month for myself or family members to use?
Yes, you can purchase additional scans for yourself your your family throughout the month at a discounted rate by logging in to your account (you will receive all of your account information at sign up), navigating to the additional scans section, and following the prompts to book further scans.

19. Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription plan?
Absolutely! You have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan. To do so you can simply cancel your current plan and re-subscribe to a different plan. Please contact me to do so. 

20. What happens if I am on the HRF Member or Loyalty Rewards subscription and my membership/LR lapses?
You must maintain your Young Living HRF membership and/or LR status to continue taking advantage of the discounted ZYTO Link subscription. If you fail to maintain these statuses, your subscription will be automatically cancelled and you will be notified. You can at that point sign up for a monthly or annual (non-discounted) subscription if you wish. 
Active YL HRF membership statusyou must be on Amanda DeWald's Young Living team and have placed a minimum of a 100pv order within the last 12 months.
Active YL HRF Loyalty Rewards membership status: you must be on Amanda DeWald's Young Living team and have placed a 50pv+ loyalty reward order each month.

21. What if I want to skip a month?
If you need to skip a month, please contact me in advance, and we can discuss options. Keep in mind that the monthly scan doesn't roll over, so make the most of each subscription month. *I do not guarantee any refunds/solutions, each case is reviewed on an individual basis*

22. How secure is my personal information, including my scan results?
Rest assured that we take data security seriously. Your personal information and scan results are stored securely, and ZYTO follows strict privacy protocols to ensure the confidentiality of your data.