Our FAV T1D Devices
There are so many devices, and we certainly have not tried them all, but here are some we HAVE used and were happy with...
Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)
This device allows you to see what your kids blood sugar level is at all times from your favorite devices, it's so convenient and life saving (esp at night for lows). 

This is the CGM that both of our boys wear. It is not perfect, but we have found life to be 100x easier using it! We HIGHLY recommend using a CGM with your T1D kiddo!

Tubeless Insulin Pump
Our kids both wear the Omnipod 5 closed-loop tubeless insulin pump. Again, diabetes devices & tech are not perfect, but we have been loving the freedom of using this tubeless closed-loop system pump.

*I am currently being trained to become a Certified Omnipod Pump Trainer and will do more videos in the future about this pump.

Tandem T-Slim
Tubed Closed-Loop System Insulin Pump
Drew wore the Tandem T-Slim insulin pump for 2.5 years. We were VERY happy with this pump, however when his brother got a tubeless pump, he was jealous, so we switched him over. Overall this was a fantastic pump and we would switch back in the future if either of our boys wanted to.

** Also, Tandem now has a Mobi pump that is not quite tubeless, but extremely small with the option of being wearable with a tiny tube. We have not tried this pump.

Our FAV T1D Tech
Here is some T1D tech we cannot see ourselves living without. Give them a try and let us know what you think!
Sugarmate App
Cross-Device CGM Monitoring App
The Sugarmate app uses CGM data to create a wide range of visualization tools that can streamline your diabetes management. 

This is one way I can get both my boys GGM readings on the face of my iWatch (you connect it through the calendar widget). I can also get it on my iMac, which is great for while i'm working at the computer.

Another great feature of this app is that you can set it up to not only alert you for urgent lows, but to actually CALL your phone. This is a great feature for those who may not wake up to alert noises.

Sweet Dreams App
Cross-Device CGM Monitoring App
Diabetes Tracker: Track sugar levels, get quick alerts & custom notifications. Easy to use on Lock/Home Screen & while using other apps. Works on Dexcom and Libre CGM.

I love the look of this app. I love the way it works as a widget on my iWatch, AND the way I can get it as a widget on the home screen of my iPhone. I don't even have to unlock my phone to see my kiddos numbers!

This is one way I can get BOTH my boys GGM readings on the face of my iWatch (I use Sugarmate for one and Sweet Dreams for the other). 

This app also has a message group feature, but I will be honest we haven't really used this yet.

Gluroo App
Cross-Device CGM Monitoring App
Gluroo is another cross-device CGM Monitoring App we have used. I will admit, we do not use this one as often as Sugarmate and/or Sweet Dreams, but it is still a great app. 

This is a good one if you have multiple people managing your kiddos diabetes, because it has an integrated messaging system, including activity and meal tracking. 

If you want tight control over your diabetes numbers, this is a great app for you! There are a lot of features and notifications that can be used.

Our FAV T1D Gear
Here is some gear we have found helpful, enjoy!
Diabetic Spibelt for kids
When Drew was using a tubed pump, this is what he wore to keep his pump on him. It worked fantastic! 

Now him and Adam use it to hold their Dexcom receiver/phone in when they are outside playing, or not with Mom or Dad. This way we know their device is close enough to give us readings on the Follow app.

Road iD
Medical Alert Bracelet
We have used Road iD since Drew was first diagnosed in 2021. It is important to have your kiddo wearing some sort of medical alert on them in case of an emergency. 

They have a range of different band options, a variety of colors/sizes, and the plate is completely customizable. They also now offer ones that go on your iWatch band if your kiddo uses one. We just got this for Drew recently so he doesn't have to have two things on his wrist.

We like Road iD because they are durable, super fast shipping, made in the USA, and their marketing is hilarious. Go check them out!

Cross Body Sling Bag
This is the bag my 9 year old uses for his "Diabetic Bag". It's a great size for all his T1D needs, while still being relatively small. This bag goes everywhere he goes! He walks our the door and we yell "do you have your blue bag with you?" It's a non-negotiable. 

It is a little too big for Adam yet, but once he gets bigger, we will get him one as well.

Other FAVs
Here are some other T1D things that we love.
Breakthrough T1D Bag of Hope
This is a FREE gift filled with resources for both children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their caregivers.

Along with educational materials, it includes a special friend: Rufus the Bear with Diabetes Powered by Breakthrough T1D™, to show your child they have a cuddly friend to help them learn to test their blood sugar and inject insulin.

We requested and received this bag for both of our boys when they were first diagnosed and they to this day still love their Rufus Bear 🐻💙

This is an amazing FREE resource for those who are newly diagnosed. Be sure to request your Bag of Hope today!

*must be in the US

Lemon Essential Oil
We have been using Lemon essential oil for years to remove the adhesive from our kiddos T1D devices. It works AMAZING!! Drop it onto the device adhesive, let sit for 30 seconds or so, then peel off. I promise you, it's incredible! We are so grateful for this painless, non-toxic option to remove the boys devices. 

Give it a try, let me know what you think!

T1D Snail Mail Club
Connect with other Type 1 Diabetics via snail mail! This is a pen pal program for kids, teens, and adults with type 1 diabetes around the world.

I will be honest, we applied for this and then I completely forgot about it until now, so we have not ACTIVELY participated in this YET. However, I think its such a cool program that everyone should know about. Especially as a homeschool Mom, something to get my kid practicing his handwriting is A++ in my book.

Things we want to try!
These are some T1D products that we have NOT yet tried, but would like to at some point. Let us know if you have tried them and what you think!
Blood glucose pixel clock of BG readings and alerts.
This is something we have wanted to try for quite some time now. It has a lot of cool features and I have heard great things about it from other T1Ds. Let us know if you've tried it.

CGM readings in color
This is similar to the SugarPixel except much more discreet. This would be a good option for someone who is a bit more self conscious of broadcasting their sugar levels. It still allows you to simply look to see if you are "in range" or not, without picking up your phone/devices.

Vivi Cap
Insulator for your Insulin pen
Keeps your insulin at the exact right temperature, even in extreme heat or cold. My boys are not on Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) currently, but if they were to switch in the future, I would definitely get this for them.

Medtronic iPort
Insulator for your Insulin pen
Allows you to have an insulin site, so you only have to poke once every three days VS every time you need insulin (which we all know can be a lot with kids who love to snack!) This device is for people on MDI. If you have a pump you would not need this.

Again, my boys are not on Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) currently, but if they were to switch in the future, I would definitely get this for them.

Medtronic InPen
Smart Insulin Pen System
The first FDA-cleared smart insulin pen system that helps you take the right dose at the right time. This is for people on MDI, if you have a pump you would not need this.

Again, my boys are not on Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) currently, but if they were to switch in the future, I would definitely get this for them.

Lancet Device
This is a lancet device that has been FDA approved to be used anywhere on your body, allowing you to give those sore fingers a break! It claims to be less painful, but we have not personally tried it to know. We would love to try this at some point.

Have you used it? What do you think?

Handmade T1D Stuffed Animals Sold at TypeOneTogether.com
These adorable Handmade Stuffies are customizable with a variety of different animals and various Diabetic Devices (CGMs & Pumps). I would love to get my little Adam one of these at some point.

Be sure to check out our RESOURCES Guide for all things Type 1 Diabetes!

Copyright Amanda DeWald