Would you like regular updates from me? 

If so, sign up for the Email List! 

This is the best way to stay in touch with me. You can choose which things you would like to hear about and I promise I will not flood your inbox with things you don’t want. 

You can choose from the following email lists:

General Email List - this email list is for exciting updates and happenings. There is not a specified time frame or frequency for these. *I promise not to overwhelm your inbox*

Essential Oil Education Email List - This email is sent 1-2x week. It includes education about essential oils and oil infused products from Young Living. This is a great list for new members and/or someone looking to learn more about oils before deciding to purchase them.

Happy Root Family (oils) Member Newsletter - This newsletter is for members and sent 1x month, within the first 1-3 days of the month. It includes the months gifts with purchase, a product spotlight, upcoming events, and news and/or promotions for the month, announces our monthly member giveaway, and more! *You do not need to be a member to recieve this, but it is geared toward our HRF members.*

Events Email List - This email is sent 2x a month and includes information on all upcoming events (in-person + online).

Subscribe to the Blog - This email is sent 1x week (generally on Sunday afternoon or evening). I send you a preview and link to the latest blog post for easy access so you never miss a post!

Homeschool Email List - This email does not have a specific date or frequency. I send updates, deals, and freebies for homeschooling as I get them.

Brand Partner Email List - if you are a brand partner within our Happy Root Family OR are interested in becoming a brand partner with us, please reach out to me to get on this email list. 

Be sure to get on the lists that interest you!

If you ever would like to be removed from any of the lists but not all, please reach out and I can help you!

Get on the Email List(s)

Which email lists would you like to be on? (select all that apply)*
Are you currently a Young Living member?*

Amanda DeWald
5949 Camp Road #1014
Hamburg, New York 14075
Phone: 716-687-0207
Email: hello@amandadewald.com

Copyrights © 2021 held by respective copyright holders, including Amanda DeWald. 

DISCLAIMER: The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any information provided to you on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. I am not in any way diagnosing, treating, prescribing, or claiming to cure anything. Any and all medical ailments/treatment plans should always be consulted with your physician. This information is my own personal experiences and personal research. You should always do your own research and decide with your physician what is best for you. 

**Some of the links on this website may be affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small percentage off off of your purchase, with no extra charge to you. Thank you for choosing to support me and my family.